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The secret society of Samrat Ashoka

Have you heard about Illuminati? there are many chances that you know about Illuminati, but have you ever heard of a secret society of The Nine Unknown Men? With a rich culture and historical legacies dating back centuries, India has always been a treasure trove of knowledge but somehow this secret society has faded out of public view. It was founded more than 2000 years ago by Mauryan Emperor Samrat Ashoka.

This secret society consisted of 9 members, each of the nine was given a book and a scientific field to study and research and their mission was to fill the book with new discoveries continuously in their respective field. If a member was forced to retire for any reason, they would first choose a worthy successor who would continue their mission.

The contents of books are still unknown but it is speculated that 9 books are from the fields of Propaganda, Physiology, Microbiology, Communication (both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial), Gravity - with details on how to build an anti-gravity spaceship called the Vimana, Cosmology - where you can learn to bend light and break the space-time continuum, Light, Alchemy and sociology which outlines the true nature and evolutionary patterns of human society. 

Although the nine unknown men always stayed anonymous, supposedly leaked information from their texts when the human race is in need and to aid the progress of science.


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